Ability to view and Select Bluetooth Device
Provide the ability to view different available Bluetooth connections, then select the appropriate one. Currently you have no idea. Every single smart or sport watch does with the exception of Suunto.
I isazi moved this topic from Feature Suggestions on
something like this request ? https://forum.suunto.com/post/220 -
@Mff73 no, it’s about ability to view device(HR strap, power sensor, bike pod) information when trying to connect it to the watch, like for example me and my friend go out for a run and we both have heart straps. On a Suunto you can’t view or select the HR that is yours, so you could connect friend’s sensor instead of yours.
@Dan-Cantir there are rumors that proper sensor management is coming later this year.
@isazi don’t tease, it’s not nice.* I think after structured workouts that’s the biggest gap on our wrist computers.
*instead provide screenshots, dates, and links to pre-order a custom strap to commemorate the occasion!
@Ze-Stuart rumors are not mine, and to be fair I have not tested the feature yet. But some people that have contact with Suunto mentioned this when publishing reviews of the Race S. And some of these people are usually well informed.
@Dan-Cantir thats correct!