Ambit 3 Peak uploading routes from website to app to watch
I noticed this , you can no longer create route to transfer to watch using Movescount . I’ve recently bought a Ambit 3 and this function was one of the reasons for purchase. The only current way round this is to create a gpx file with route you want on your computer then import in into movescount then onto your watch! you can actually create the gpx file on the sunnto app then transfer it to the cloud and back to your PC you just can’t do it with app directly to some watches
. obviously if they scrap movescount this method will not work either .
I confirm your experience. That is really unfortunate. As you mentioned not all watches have all options in SA. And although I have a Suunto 9 (in addition to my wife’s Ambit 3 Run - I am in charge of it, too, of course
) which is supported in a more complete manner this is really bad, because
a. It is still much easier and more comfortable to create a route with Movescount and with a proper display
b. SA still has so many bugs - if you prefer to call these inconsistencies, fine with me - that I still can’t rely on it fully. And yes, there has been a steady and ongoing development - except in the areas where it has not.No, I am not going to talk about leaving Suunto now because of whatever. Nevertheless I just bought my daughter a Garmin and no Suunto as she ‘needed’ a sportwatch, too. And yes, I am comparing for the next year or years before deciding which watch will be the next.
I tried also, and all seems OK, except we can’t put the start point on the map.
For sure Suunto is working on MC future, and for sure Suunto is not giving as much details as one wants, but, I really can’t imagine they will remove a feature like that :
without any notice somewhere, and really partially, with just disabling start point.
To me it is a bug from now, and they may solve it (or not), but saying it is on purpose … -
@Mff73 said in Ambit 3 Peak uploading routes from website to app to watch:
I tried also, and all seems OK, except we can’t put the start point on the map.
For sure Suunto is working on MC future, and for sure Suunto is not giving as much details as one wants, but, I really can’t imagine they will remove a feature like that :
without any notice somewhere, and really partially, with just disabling start point.
To me it is a bug from now, and they may solve it (or not), but saying it is on purpose …I totally agree with you!
Still the same. You cannot add the starting point when creating a route in Movescount. This is probably a bug (at least I hope so). Has this been reported to Suunto @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos?
This is the well known problem of maproute.
It was fixed on SA and probably is going to be fixed on MC (or its successor)The mapbox is not responding as the old api is no more available
“Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 410 (Gone)” -
@sartoric Thnx for the info. I hope Suunto is aware of this and that they will fix it soon.
Here’s a fun workaround, one just needs to set a start point though gpx import. Though those who will are probably not too excited to use MC for planning in a first place …
It still gets the same response from mapbox and there’s no elevation, but all the rest seems to work. As MC route import does respect elevation data , it just makes more sense to build the whole thing with some other tool (e.g. plotaroute, as it can export waypoints that will survive MC gpx import). -
It seems the altitude profile and ascent/descent are not calculated when planning new routes in movescount. Import of gpx with altitude shows altitude profile either. I am sure this used to work before.
Is this a known issue now?
@petmic yes, since a couple weeks.
@petmic I am seeing the same, I believe Suunto knows about this.
@Brad_Olwin How nice would it be from them should they let us know. I spent an hour trying to import/draw a 50k route with some tricky navigation only to realize the problem seems to be on Suunto side.
that’s Suunto, didn’t you know? something to play, a surprise, but unfortunately no chocolate -
@petmic said in Ambit 3 Peak uploading routes from website to app to watch:
@Brad_Olwin How nice would it be from them should they let us know. I spent an hour trying to import/draw a 50k route with some tricky navigation only to realize the problem seems to be on Suunto side.
@TELE-HO The problem is apparently with MapBox and not Suunto and Suunto is waiting for Mapbox to correct this. That is all the information that I have.
I would expect that a small little pop up informs if something is not working as it should… it’s not the users task to dig and figure out the reason for it… I understand dissatisfaction when you unsuccessfully plan a great adventure. It is disappointing when you want to use a service but it’s not working due to a 3rd party service… and this is not the customers problem when the supplier of the supplier has issues.I really understand that as it took me 5 tries yesterday to get the correct planned route to my watch from SA… 4 times everytime a different prior route… I know this is not the right thread, but just to mention another disappointment that users experience day by day…
I’m not angry… I just don’t understand it… -
@TELE-HO Wholeheartedly agree with you on #1. Why so hard to get a route from SA into the watch?
@Brad_Olwin Yes, I understand your point. However, I bought a product from Suunto that suppose to have altitude data when navigating and suddenly this feature I paid for is not available. As a customer, I really do not care if it is a third party’s fault. I gave my money to Suunto so they should at least let me know there is a problem so I do not waste my time trying to figure out something they already know.
A Suunto’s competitor shows the status of their services so everybody knows if there is something not working.
@petmic said in Ambit 3 Peak uploading routes from website to app to watch:
bought a product from Suunto that suppose to have altitude data when navigating
If your imported route came from 3rd party or you draw it yourself with some other tool, it likely includes elevation data. Even though Movescount fails to display elevation profile, it shoukd be fine once loaded to your watch. Though I haven’t tested with longer routes that Movescount must simplify to fit into trackpoint limits.
As to who’s to (not) blame here… for those who were interested, retiring of a certain Mapbox API for elevation data was known atleast 2 years in advance. Some decided to act proactively, others had probably more pressing matters to deal with during that time. Or something.
@Brad_Olwin said in Ambit 3 Peak uploading routes from website to app to watch:
Why so hard to get a route from SA into the watch?
that’s this recently discussed cache issue either in the watch or SA, I’m not sure… (sorry for being offtopic here).
I create a comoletely new route, completely new name, toggle add to watch, sync and when I want to use this route it shows me any random earlier created route… did that 4 times, 4 different random earlier routes. The data is always correct, but the route track is wrong… only the 5th attempt finally worked -
So is there anyway to upload a route to the Ambit 3 now via the new(ish) app or magic?