New to S9Peak from S9B
The peak looks so elegant and sleek. Awesome
Just one question regarding the display-readability:
Are the data fields when using a 7-field screen easy to read compared to the S9baro?
99% of the time I use this display type during tracking.
@theguyfromthesummit for me there is looses a bit readability.
@theguyfromthesummit Cannot say. I hardly read 5 in both 9B and 9P
@theguyfromthesummit depends on the sport type.
For hiking I do use 7 field screens, but running (or other sports which involves arm movement) I don’t. -
thanks for the replies!
It looks like, I stick to my S9Baro
@theguyfromthesummit similar to @surfboomerang I only use the 7 data fields in mountaineering cause I am not going to fiddle with my watch, and want everything at once. I find the readability good, but my speed is low.
@isazi Same, I only really use 7 data fields for when I am climbing or if I am doing an activity where the speed is going to be slow. Most of my main screen have 3 fields or 4 at the maximum, easy to read when you’re flying down the side of a mountain
I just find the thought of dropping from 50mm to 43mm a bit too much of a jump. One of my friends is waiting for their S9P to arrive so I’ll check theirs out once they have it
How can you have enough with only 4 fields
I always use 7, no matter if biking, trailrunning or hiking, I just don’t like to switch between screens.
@theguyfromthesummit said in New to S9Peak from S9B:
How can you have enough with only 4 fields
I always use 7, no matter if biking, trailrunning or hiking, I just don’t like to switch between screens.
How can you need 7 fields??? Mostly I need ascent and distance, I don’t understand how the data are of any use when running/MTB. When road cycling I would use cadence, speed, distance and power, not much else. I have 4 fields and one screen for everything but races where I use 2 screens with 3 fields each on both S9P and S9b.
@brad_olwin etas perhaps. I use ETA / ETE for end and POI, sunrise, sunset and it’s 6 fields already. But that’s for hiking or a second screen for long trail runs in case I get lost or something unforeseen happens.
@brad_olwin In my case, in addition to what you use, I also put sunset, temperature, average pace or speed, vertical speed and things like that depending on the sport. In most of the cases (unless sunset, TBH) I must confess that I could live without those data . But, what the heck, I have a S9P, I must have tons of information at any moment!!!
@theguyfromthesummit I rather switch screens than having my watch constantly reminding my age when trying to read those tiny numbers
@łukasz-szmigiel So if you engage SuuntoPlus Weather and have a route loaded, an ETE/ETA field and Sunset is already there. Why I try to keep the data in the watch simple.
@brad_olwin valid point. But it’s unavailable in S5 and besides - one might want to limit screen switching and S+ requires to shuffle the screens.
Btw. is it possible to switch screens to the left in S9 series as there’s no dedicated back button?
@łukasz-szmigiel only via touch
@dmytro well, I would have to change my habits and redesign the screens if I had S9 then. I often jump between navigation and the screen before it. I’d have to cycle all the way forward if on 9?
@łukasz-szmigiel sadly so. It’s fine with me as I rarely look at the data other than hr and duration, map - so only two screens basically.
@łukasz-szmigiel No, it is easy to customize a battery mode with touch so you can scroll back and forth on screens.
@brad_olwin but you have to enable the touch in custom battery mode, right?
@brad_olwin Usually I have:
- ascent
- altitude
- distance
- pace
- heartrate
- vertical speed, barometer, ETA, sunrise or sunset.
- duration
Field No 6 is more or less just to fill the field. But sometimes sunrise and sunset for multi day tours
But playing around with the peak might get me switching to 2 displays with 5 fields.
this watch is so light and small, it is amazing