@timecode said in 7-day HRV average on "Recovery HRV" widget:

I don’t want to open a new topic, but not sure if it’s related to the latest update, or I am just remembering that the HRV used to be displayed differently. My last nights HRV was 38, but instead of showing 38 on the graph, it shows the 7 day average - 44. Was this always like this? Or I am just not remembering it right? I remember it showing my last nights value on the graph - not the 7 d.avg. Can someone advise on this? Thanks!

3d7f334c-8709-43d3-948d-f67f11c23cc7-IMG_4386.jpeg /var/folders/xf/hmh7xdpj67lfspqw0mwl_00c0000gn/T/com.apple.useractivityd/shared-pasteboard/items/181A9DC0-8CE2-4999-9BA0-9C3BC17BCB49/IMG_4386.jpeg

The 7day avg HRV is shown in the Graph. The last Night is written under the Graph.