Planet Finder for Suunto Vertical (feature request)
As an enthusiastic amateur astronomer, I would love to have a simple way to check the positions of the planets in the evening sky directly on my Suunto Vertical. While this may not be a typical survival or sports feature, wouldn’t it be amazing to access this information without needing a phone?
To illustrate what I mean, I’ve created a live demo that showcases what it could look like:
What do you think?
Animated gif of demo
@djwoltjer what is the use case?
@larrybbaker I suppose it’s mainly about knowing what you’re looking at in the sky—like identifying a very bright “star” that might actually be a planet. Also, it helps to check whether one of the most stunning celestial objects to observe, Saturn, is visible and has enough altitude.
@djwoltjer The idea may be interesting, but is a tiny watch screen the right place to display such data?
I have something like this on my phone screen (3D live with zoom function), why would I need something like the one in your picture? -
@maszop Good point! I have those apps on my phone too (though not as a live wallpaper). I guess the reason is the same as why you wouldn’t want to grab your phone every time you want to check the time, count your steps, or track your location—it’s just convenient to have it right on your wrist. But maybe that’s just me?
@djwoltjer seems it is not just you, as your idea has been voted for already 3 times
@Egika I often observe the stars and I think that what can be seen on the watch screen will not be legible and convenient enough to be useful for something.
At least with current technology. I think that for such applications at least a phone is necessary.I’m only writing this because it would probably require a lot of work from the developers. With better screen technology this would be a great tool.
I also would rate a tides display higher
and am not among those 3 voters…