Spartan update complains
As an old ambit 3 user, I search everywhere in Spartan Ultra for the Vo2max and recovery test.
I read the user guide in three different languages and I realized there is no such things.
@zhang965 Agreed, I would have liked to have the recovery test, the S9 does not have this either. I found it useful. VO2 max on the other hand I consider more or less useless. My laboratory VO2 tests do not match the watch, perhaps that is me but I more or less ignore the VO2. With 24/7 OHR I think a much better job of recovery could be done and I wish this was a focus.
@borgelkranz My commiserations. I picked up mine a bit after that May '18 revision, when it seemed that the bugs had been ironed out and the hardware (still mostly pretty good) had finally got FW just about worthy of it. And just before the newer ones emerged. My price was … less.
and my SSU’s baro is finally dead a couple of months age,
as Suunto gives the first production two years guarantee, I replaced the watch.
@zhang965 said in Spartan update complains:
and my SSU’s baro is finally dead a couple of months age,
as Suunto gives the first production two years guarantee, I replaced the watch.
Excellent, you then got a great deal.
@Brad_Olwin Does that S9 battery life advantage over the SSU work at hiking speeds? For some reason I thought it was a function of FusedTrack which, as I understand it, only works when one is running.
@borgelkranz I’m perfectly agree with you. it took two years to make the SSU work well (or at least in relation to the cost) and now after only one year of full potential use (except last-minute surprises) we find that the watch is obsolete and will not receive any more functionality implementations (but perhaps only bug fixes)
@Fenr1r Yes, it does. I am often at hiking speeds. I have used the battery feature for multiday excursions, some of my time is jogging, some hiking and some slow acsents.
@zhang965 They are correct , at least with the technology in the S9. Mine only works for walking, the gym and daily HR. Any running, hiking and especially trail running it simply does not work for me. I have seen it work for others but not that often.
@Brad_Olwin Intriguing. Thanks.
@Brad_Olwin said in Spartan update complains:
@borgelkranz I feel differently.
That’s absolutely fine with me. Your feelings are yours and mine are mine.
Concerning your other questions: back with my Ambit 2R that I bought because I could not afford a regular Ambit 2s I envied the updates that the bigger models received.
That’s why I decided to buy the biggest model next time.
Well, that was a mistake. Just like buying a Windows Phone was. My bad(s).
The lessen I earned (pun intended) is to never again buy a new product. Regardless of the manufacturer’s reputation.
Concerning my SSU: in fact it let’s me do most of the things that I do. Hiking, biking and running. All three for recreational purposes.
Still I hoped for features like training plans (I had them with MC), recovery test, performance index and such.
Maybe I have to admit to myself that I bought a product that is aimed at another market than the one I’m supposed to be a buyer in.
But even then I am puzzled at the way Suunto presents their products. Probably I’d need an S5 with a baro. But that’s not be had…
@borgelkranz said in Spartan update complains:
Just like buying a Windows Phone was. My bad(s).
Lol. I did that too
I wanted Windows phone to take off so bad, but here I am 2 years later, Android in hand
Done espect FB to come to spartan line as it is purely licensing cost question and in other hand when why to buy Sx line when cheaper spartan will have the same.
Marketing departments now own companies and no matter it is sport watch manufacturers or else, this happens everywhere and shouldn’t be new for you guys
Age when stuff was made to last has ended long time ago… -
@SlaSh I am sorry but “last” to “get new features” (which is what you refer to) has a big difference.
Let me butt in here.
Spartans with ohr or no , could support the firstbeat features but not all , eg the trainer can’t for hw reasons and some others as well.
I had said this before , you might think that the Spartans have the same hw with the s series but they don’t.
However, licensing is a big thing here in play. Yes it costs x amount of money for each unit sold to bring that feature to a watch including all the testing and tweaking for device hw + build (weight) etc. (This does not apply to all models meaning the testing as some don’t even have ohr)
And no this is not about marketing. If it was one button press, it would have been done. Took us 3+ months to bring it to the s9 line and that was not only due to sw development (that was also needed) but for many other reasons kinda mentioned above.
I hope it clears up a bit the conversation.
And hey I am taking about firstbeat. Not in any case about generic update etc. That was discussed before and I also expressed my dissatisfaction.
And any hints/leaks if we can expect any update for SSU in predictible future?
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in Spartan update complains:
However, licensing is a big thing here in play. Yes it costs x amount of money for each unit sold to bring that feature to a watch including all the testing and tweaking for device hw + build (weight) etc. (This does not apply to all models meaning the testing as some don’t even have ohr)
I would be happy to pay a few extra bucks for those features. What I don’t like to feel as a consumer is that my EUR 500+ watch is artificially crippled (hardwarewise -missing basic features such as structured intervals- and softwarewise -read MC web-).
@jsuarez said in Spartan update complains:
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in Spartan update complains:
However, licensing is a big thing here in play. Yes it costs x amount of money for each unit sold to bring that feature to a watch including all the testing and tweaking for device hw + build (weight) etc. (This does not apply to all models meaning the testing as some don’t even have ohr)
I would be happy to pay a few extra bucks for those features. What I don’t like to feel as a consumer is that my EUR 500+ watch is artificially crippled (hardwarewise -missing basic features such as structured intervals- and softwarewise -read MC web-).
So maybe it is a new ideal for business model for suunto, paid updates for certain features.
But I guess people wouldn’t like it anyway -
@kriskus said in Spartan update complains:
And any hints/leaks if we can expect any update for SSU in predictible future?
Judging by past update cycles, we will have to wait until early march to find out - if we get an update at all … hopefully at least bug fixes sooner than that.
Suunto has just split the two lines regarding version numbering … Spartans (non WHR) are now two version behind (one minor update and one bigger). I know the hardware is different, but in the past every time there was an update for the S9 line, the Spartan line would get it too with their own differences, but the version number was the same.
So how is this going to work now, will the Spartans be made into a separate version numbering with just bug fixes and no new features - unlikely … will the Spartans get updated with the next major S9 update - highly unlikely … or will the Spartans stay at 2.8.24 (non WHR) and 2.8.28 (WHR) - very likely?
@fejker Highly plausible but morale-sapping scenario there, Leonidas.