S9P Bricked by OTA update
Well, that was fast. I owned the watch the whole 10 minutes
The 4.2MB of the latest update downloaded as soon as the watch was setup, it started the update, displayed “Improving your watch for adventure” progress bar, and promptly died:
Taking the watch on/off charger, pressing any buttons, 15-sec hold button reboot — none helped.
@nickk I ll help sec
AFAIK its not bricked
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos Yes, after I took it off the charger and held upper/lower button for like half a minute (or maybe it was spinning it’s wheels recovering), it showed "Error f/w XYZ (older version), followed by another notification that it recovered from error:
@nickk ok that is good. Please try to install the update again.
S9P is very very difficult to brick and the update actually fixes this Service issue. This issue comes if something goes wrong and the middle button is held pressed typically
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos said in S9P Bricked by OTA update:
Please try to install the update again.
Took it off the charger (it’s already past 75%) and not touching it. I might have pressed a middle button during the update accidentally when adjusting the watch on the charger. So far so good
Crisis averted. The watch has updated on the second attempt. Thank you @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos
Given my rotten luck when it comes to watches OTA updates, I was fearing the worst
@nickk enjoy man.
Btw nice strap
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos Thank you
I have another one, red & black, somewhat reminiscent of those S9B nylon loop straps! It’s a shame Suunto no longer sells those.
The best part about the strap though is it makes my 61g watch into 50g watch. Any less, and I might lose it on my hand. So small, so slim, so infinitely comfortable, yet the full power of S9B.
@nickk I want the velcro strap for my S9p too!
@isazi Easy! Just search Amazon (or your local electronic flea market of choice) for 22mm nylon loop band. I think Etsy has even better selection.
For only $6.99 it can be yours! I think that’s the price they are going for.
22mm are definitely easier to find.