Suunto 9 Peak Pro?
in my understanding it is a special edition. S9P full titanium. it is available with the watch only. -
@freeheeler Oh right. Thanks!
So has anyone been observing UI slowdowns lately? Especially during the activity start, which changes screen to workout screen like a few seconds after hitting the middle button? I’m on 2.22.60 and typically use 7 fields (1) + HR screen (2) + burner (S+).
Also, when using the second screen in custom designed mode, when resuming from autopause, the watch always returns to the first screen. Is this normal?
@Łukasz-Szmigiel Hi there. For the first question yes, I sometimes get an unusually long pause before activity start. The biggest pause is when I do an indoor trainer workout - it does this weird alarm buzz for about 5 seconds before it starts, and I always wondered if it’s just because it hasn’t picked up the speed/cadence sensor yet and stops when it does. Just hope/assume a firmware update will fix down the road.
My watch hangs briefly (maybe 2-3 secs) when I end an activity, before going to the saving screen. I’ve not noticed it when starting an activity but that might be because I rarely look at the watch in the first few minutes.
I don’t use autopause but I’m getting the behaviour you describe with autolap. Every run, but not every lap (typically every 2-3 laps/km), when the lap screen clears the watch goes back to the first screen, not the one I was using (e.g. intensity zone display or navigation screen). I’m sure this is a bug - because it is sporadic/random and my S9B/S9P don’t do this. -
@Łukasz-Szmigiel I have a brief pause but I do not use autopause except when biking where I do not notice this as I am not usually paying attention.
For the second question I will have to check on that, seems maybe the first screen is a default after pause.
@Łukasz-Szmigiel Yes, i have been experiencing sometimes up to 10 seconds delay at the start of exercise. For me it’s mostly when I don’t wait a few seconds to start the exercise. Mostly non GPS exercises like Pilates/Yoga where I don’t wait for a solid GPS fix.
@deserthike20 whoa, 10 seconds is a lot!
@Brad_Olwin, I don’t recall having this problem with S5.
I noticed the gps is getting worse. Like S9B s9p did
@Brad_Olwin FYI my ‘gps’ isn’t slow, and still tracks very accurately. I did an approx. 30km gravel ride the other day and compared my Suunto and my Hammerhead Karoo 2 (both on autopause), and both were almost identical for speed and distance and GPS track afterwards. I did though just now power down my Suunto and power it back on again - sometimes this can clear out old files? I’m not 100% sure that it is still useful with newer gen devices, but I know Garmin advised to do that occasionally.
@deserthike20 I also get about 7-8sec delay at start of te exercise sometimes. It did not happen when watch was new, it happened gradually over time. Now when I start Weight training watch plays beeping sound but it just sounds like one looong tone fore 6-7 sec and than the exercise starts
@Dušan-Ković cool! In a couple of months it’ll grow to a minute or two
@Dušan-Ković That sounds exactly the same as mine. I also occasionally get that long tone. Hopefully the next update addresses this.
@Dušan-Ković said in Suunto 9 Peak Pro?:
watch plays beeping sound but it just sounds like one looong tone for 6-7 sec and than the exercise starts
This is exactly what mine does when I start an indoor cycling training session.
@mikekoski490 just indoor cycling? Anything special?
@Dušan-Ković same story by my side since 3-4 weeks. Running, Cycling, indoor or outdoor with or without GPS…. Just a looooong beeptone and a delayed start over 7-8 seconds
@isazi Just indoor cycling so far. Only diff to other outdoor workouts (cycling/snowshoeing /running) is speed/cadence pod and GPS disabled.
@deserthike20 Same here, long tone instead of suunto dongle. I noticed this happen just when using custom sport mode
Just another thing that I really started to hate is new charger. I did not liked it from the beginning, but design is really bad. Contacts need to be aligned perfectly, and magnet holding connection is super weak. Just a slight vibration or similar will stop the watch from charging. Somebody mentioned that magnets need to be weak because of the watch hardware, but why Suunto did not left circular connectors like on S9P? Charger from S9P is much better compared to the new one