Suunto Vertical is here
Yep, battery is incredible alright! I don’t have the daily HR or phone notifications on but I do use the sleep tracking, I’m 11 days out from a full charge now, I’ve done about 12hrs of training with GPS set to the best settings and quite a bit of map usage… still at 58%
Dose anybody know when all colors of the new athletic wrist band will be available? Actually it changes daily… and I never saw the dark ruby one to buy…
@Brad_Olwin said in Suunto Vertical is here:
@Jole13 Force quit the app and restart, it should be ok, I have not had mine perpetually attempt to load the AGPS file.
I’ve been having the same problem with my Suunto Vertical. I’ve had it for five days and connected to the Suunto app on my phone running iOS several times successfully. Workout files transfer, resources transfer, sleep data transfers, etc. and the “optimizing GPS” part of the sync finishes as well. However, the weather widget has always not worked at all, it simply continues to say “Sync with Suunto app to see weather data”
Any suggestions? Jole13, were you able to get the weather widget to work for you? Thanks!
@bnorthrop The weather widget need access to the location from your phone. Can you double check that you gave Suunto access to that?
In iOS itself (not the Suunto app) select Settings, scroll down to your apps and select Suunto then at the top allow Suunto access to your location and select Always.
That should be it, you might need to sync once but after that it should work and update on its own.
@deserthike20 perfect - thank you!
Does someone knows if with a personnal sport mode with gps to best, GPS accuracy automatically switches to a less precise mode when battery gets under a certain level ? I didn’t had any advertisment from the watch (or didn’t saw it) and I’am at 4%. Gps track from the run I just finished his really good so I couldn’t tell if it was recording in best precision, or less.
Just noticed that I started with 5% and finished at 4% (1 hour run, maps diplayed, no app).
Thanks ! -
@Tieutieu it does not change battery mode without telling you. Only at 1% it will go to power saving mode on its own.
@isazi Ok thanks !
@isazi said in Suunto Vertical is here:
@Tieutieu it does not change battery mode without telling you. Only at 1% it will go to power saving mode on its own.
Actually it switched to power saving mode tonight when 2% where remaining.
I finally succeded to drain battery to 0% !
Here are the final results of my first whole battery cycle (I had a “small” one before a big race).Last full charge 13 days ago.
H24 HR and sleep tracking on, no notifications, turn to raise to low. Backlight to low.
39,50 hours of activities with GPS to best for all, maps almost always on. Few apps used. Few sun received (my skin commands me to seek for shadow…).
Activities : Trail running, hikking, climbing, cycling and moutainbiking, cardio-training…achieved around 300km, 10000meters D+ in various and demanding terrain.- I estimate daily consumption to 1,5% to 2% max. So around 20/25% for 13 days. That means almost 40hours of activities for about 80/75% battery used in exercice.
- Even if I mostly use chest strap, the OHR battery consumption is very low compare to my S9B. Almost same consumption as with chest strap.
Perhaps few people haven’t set properly the watch or may use functions combinations that lead to bugs or extra battery consumption…
But my point of view is that this is a really fu**** awesome device for all my adventures !! -
Hehe…nice new survey about maps with vertical when opening SA…some cool things may come, considering the questions asked (at last, I would say it gives indications about hardware capacities of the watch
@Tieutieu can you share a summary/screenshots for those who don’t have the vertical?
@Tieutieu No survey here
@surfboomerang it appeared when I finished synchronising last activity.
@Tieutieu very nice survey indeed.
- Data field(s) on map
- Marine maps
- Auto zoom
- re-routing
Oh nevermind…
- Something else - please specify: I want it ALL !
@bnorthrop delete and reinstall the app. Worked for me.
After almost 3 weeks with non solar vertical, outdoor activities such as climbing, walking, running, cycling, even pool swimming, I‘m really impressed with the accuracy of GPS recording (better than apple watch ultra!!!). Only thing remaining is open water swimming, which will start next week in still cool baltic waters. However, one annoying thing is that theres no way that screen gets dark during night (at least, I haven‘t found it). Would be nice if this could get implemented in one of the updates that one could chose a dark mode during sleep time.
@Hexa62 OWS improvements are being worked on by Sony, and the hotfix will already include a GPS firmware that is better at handling signal loss (but not OWS specific). As for the night, if you enable “do not disturb” the watch does not have backlight active.
@Hexa62 said in Suunto Vertical is here:
However, one annoying thing is that theres no way that screen gets dark during night (at least, I haven‘t found it). Would be nice if this could get implemented in one of the updates that one could chose a dark mode during sleep time.
Settings > Sleep > Auto Do Not Disturb (turn on and set your average bed times and wake times). Backlight and notifications will not activate, and you need to do a button press to activate backlight.