Sleep tracking bug ?
@wakarimasen very likely
Then I’m looking forward to it!
@wakarimasen not sure, sleep algorithms will change (no more firstbeat) but naps are (from what was revealed by reviewers) only for Race.
I’m probably already nitpicking but today sleep was tracked one hour less due to time change from summer time
What is more interesting - a nap was tracked very well yesterday. Even better than I expected
@isazi why is it only for race and not for vertical? Is it because of hardware differences or by decision?
@sashaklepikov Are you sure? My Race added an extra hour to my sleep time due to the time change. It seems correct for me.
@Mads-Hintz-Madsen it looks like a presentation issue at one place.
Here you can see that sum of awake, rem, light and deep is correct — 7h 26min
But in the title it is 6:30h (it is even not the difference between 07:31 and 01:06).
And the same data on the watch — correct breakdown and incorrect “title”
@sashaklepikov That’s interesting. As you can see below then an additional 1hour has been added to the total sleep time in the title.
One difference between you and me is that I fell asleep before midnight and you after midnight. Maybe Suunto hasn’t taken properly into account (when handling the summer/winter time transition) that someone might fall asleep after midnight.
@helgonet12 various reasons, at least for now it will be like this (it’s software, so this may change in the future)
Second night with the Race. First night sleep was tracked very well. This night sleep wasn’t track at all, same settings.
@Marius-Jacobsen-Eggerud sorry, this was a mistake by me. Sleep was tracked very well even this night. I hadn’t given the watch time to register that I was out of bed.
@Marius-Jacobsen-Eggerud the watch even adjusts the sleep a while after waking up (after being sure you’re up for good)
@isazi Yes, realized that. Very impressed by the sleep tracking so far.
Is there any information in what classifies a “nap” in the watch? Definitely had few naps and only tracked a really long one.
Additionally, am I the only one with quite inaccurate sleep tracking? I have to say, I am wearing my watch quite loosely, as it would otherwise bother me, but HR and HRV are really close to what my previous Garmin was tracking so I’d assume they are correct. However, tonight I went to bed as 11.30, SR said I was asleep by 1 (it was definitely before that, but that doesn’t seems a huge error tbh) but then tracked 3hrs as “awake”, when I clearly wasn’t.
@Pier-Luigi-Cingolani (I am maybe repeating myself
) but what have you set as your resting HR on the watch?
@ChrisA i Just read your post, I have set it up to the one I have when sleeping
. So you are saying it should be the daily resting HR?
@Pier-Luigi-Cingolani yes for me sleep is very accurate, when I set the rest HR in the personal settings on the watch to about 9-10 neats higher than my average nightly resting HR.
@ChrisA how do you change that? My sleep is having me wake up 40mins earlier than I am (plus HRV is so low!)
Thanks in advance! -
@David-Lown said in Sleep tracking bug ?:
@ChrisA how do you change that? My sleep is having me wake up 40mins earlier than I am (plus HRV is so low!)
Thanks in advance!Settings -> General -> Personal -> Rest HR
And yes, Rest HR is not minimum HR -
What is the definition of “weak up”? Is it correct, it is not summed up to the total time?