some infos about my auto tag problems. long runs, steady runs, easy runs, long tempo etc. are correct. where suunto struggles are short tempos or hill sprints. where the app tag these workouts as regenerative or aerob.
but they are way harder.
some examples.
Warm up running 2,36km
8x30sec hill sprints with 60sec-90sec easy in between, Cool down
auto tag regeneration/Erholung
one week later similar workout
tagged as aerob
today 2 easy hills and then 8 x 30-45sec hillsprints.
cool down
auto tag aerob
i think the suunto app does not recognize it as anaerobic, sprint workout because the duration in hr, power and tempo zone 4 & 5 are in the total picture of the workout percentage wise against zone 1 & 2 too short.