Sleep Tracking
No watch will be accurate, if you want to have sleep tracking you will need to go to a sleep clinic, have electrodes in your head… Steps, sleep, calories, VO2Max, cadence… All calculations are based on wrist movements, leds… expect estimations for everything. Some of them are close to reality sometimes other not.
I wear a S9P and a Garmin 745 everyday, and they give me reasonable numbers. Which one is correct? Who knows but both give me consistent numbers.
IMHO the most important are the delta changesBR
@suzzlo said in Sleep Tracking:
I wear a S9P and a Garmin 745 everyday, and they give me reasonable numbers
Hi, the problem is that the numbers I’m getting are highly unreasonable. This suggests major defect in my opinion. Which I would love to track and have repaired.
I guess you’re looking for a replacement or refund. You should contact suunto support.There is nothing we can do but continue to endlessly discuss it
@sartoric you are probably right. I’m new here - thought that someone found the solution - so before I go to Suunto, I wish to have wider view on it. I already got it back from service -with note that it is just fine : )
I suppose you’ve read all the previous suggestions and set all the “sleep” settings (DnD, sleep time etc.) so, what happen if you just put the watch on a desk before going to sleep ?maybe the watch wobbles too much so it miscalculates
@Miłosz-Wiesiołek I can only support what @suzzlo says, after checking a lot of devices for their sleep accuracy. In Suuntos product range I found the Suunto 7 the best, concerning sleep and resources, while the S5 and S9 series are ok, but sometimes fail (for me), when it comes to sleep start times. But those problems are there for other brands too. I also have a Garmin watch, which also fails in the same manner the S9 does (but at least you can edit the sleep time) and the same is true for Coros (where you can’t edit sleep) or Polar (which works best for me). In the end I got an Oura Ring 3 as a present and never looked back on sleep tracking on sports watches again, since Oura hits it for me
I think - besides not overvalueing the sleep data you get - it’s a personal thing, which tracker works for you, concerning sleep tracking. I read from Garmin users, who are perfectly happy with sleep tracking, while for others its not working. If sleep tracking delivres the major data you’re looking for, Suunto may be not the best, but Suuntos for sure delivers other metrics that - for me - are more trustworthy than those of other companies
@sartoric yes, It is all set. What do you mean by putting on the desk (missed that part)?
I hope I’m not sleep running (like a dog-sleep-running) and my wrist wobbling is just normal ; ) -
@suzzlo i understand all these are estimation but when i put my watch on the desk when i go to shower it start to count my sleeping time. this is too far from the estimation.
@babychai when you put on desk make sure that the OHR isn’t working i.e. no flashing green lights. If not working it really shouldn’t record sleep.
@Jamie-BG how to make OHR not working or without flashing green light? Disable Daily HR?
@babychai You can track your sleep without OHR. Depends on how much you move.
It would be nice to have in shortcuts menu option to stop sleeping. It would tell watch i am awake and i don’t plan to sleep anymore, but i will be still in bed for some time before getting up. It would be better than going to sports mode first screen.
put it on the side or flip it over to the face -
@babychai i always carry my watch to the shower, so I can clean it
Said that, there are some time configuration you need to provide to the watch in order to be more accurate… are this one’s correct?Mine are 22:30 and 6:30 they are exactly 8h which are my sleep target
@ChrisA is Oura so precise? It has been on my wishlist for long time. What about battery, how many times do you need to recharge? Are you coping sleep and training data anywhere to see everything at the same place?
@suzzlo i set my sleeping from 0000 to 0700 but i usually remove my watch and take shower in between 2200 to 2330 which is not yet under my sleeping time. That’s why i feel it’s too far from the estimation.
Too bad i don’t prefer to wear it when i taking shower -
When you take off, make sure there isn’t anything that the OHR can pick up against like a reflective surface, and when you put down make sure that OHR turns off - should all be auto, but sometimes when but the sensor down against a surface it can pick up against that surface and continue to work providing HR details, which could be interpreted as sleep. -
@freeheeler said in Sleep Tracking:
put it on the side or flip it over to the faceahhh, thanks for the idea. will try again with this method
@Jamie-BG hmm…i usually put down on my wood table. maybe i should try put down on difference surface and see again
@suzzlo it’s very accurate concerning sleep times. It gives me a sleep score which is really very near how I feel and also the daily readiness score is pretty much perfect. This score takes into consideration if you trained much or drank alcohol and a lot of other things if you “tell” the app what you did (you can “tag” alcohol consumption and about 50 other things in the app, like “late training” or “sauna”, “medication” etc. ).
It even tracks workouts, automatically and quite precise, and (at least on Apple) it imports (automatically) all workouts from your sports watch tracks.Charging is every 7-8 days. It syncs automatically with like your Suunto, so you have everything (training data and recovery data in one place, like HRV or sleep time) - that’s really nice. What makes it really awesome, is, that it’s just a few gramms and hardly noticeable and you really forget about it. I can really recommend it (and if you interested in buying one drop me a line as I can provide you a code for 50€ off