Activelook experience
Curious to hear about more experiences and updates on this one.
Hi Dimitros,
i tried it again and again…
The screen that i can see in the glasses are different from them on the Suunto 9 Peak.
I have 3 Screens on the watch , but in the glasses i can only see one screen with different data.
The watch says connected and the glasses too.Have i to do some configuration work some where ?
harald -
I have ENGO 2 glasses and S9B. the main disappointment that I won’t find how to modify data fields. It works fine with garmin an active look but not with suunto.
@Calimero I just got a pair of Cosmo Visions and had to update the firmware on the glasses using the activelook app before the glasses would work with my suunto 5.
The good news is the navigation experience with the glasses is very good. The bad news is I can only get 1 data page when my suunto 5 is connected.
In the activelook and Cosmo connected apps, I can get up to 5 data pages.
You hopefully figured this out by now but I just wanted the thread to have a record.
I got engo2, and I wish I could use more than one S+ app, perhaps it should me moved to connectivity menu as activelook glasses and customizable data fields and as a screen for sports mode customization. I will try to use as waypoint navigation today.
@lexterm77 more than one S+ is coming
@isazi said in Activelook experience:
@lexterm77 more than one S+ is coming
@isazi could S9B get it?
@halajos cannot answer that at the moment. We will know soon enough.
@Calimero @Nikolai-Simonov The field setup on ActiveLook glasses for Suunto is fixed but is fairly intelligent. For example, for running in general you’d get heart rate, pace, and I believe distance, but if a running power accessory is connected (like Stryd), you gonna get heart rate, pace, and power – what you need to pace yourself on the run.
Yes, Garmin would allow you to customize via ConnectIQ data field, but I found the customization not very user-friendly at best. Also, no support for GPS route guidance like Suunto has. And if you train using Stryd running power… well, no luck getting that out as it’s a second class citizen in Garmin platform.
While we are on the topic of ActiveLook experience… Anybody has any experience with Engo customer support? My glasses croaked after just a few runs, and the support experience here in the US has been abysmal. I’m very close to calling the credit card company.
How is the navigation experience? Does it look like this Ads? Ads shows a suunto 7 watch, do I get this navigation (with route displayed not just turn left or turn right signal) with S9 peak ?
@Kai-Liu Not when I tested them, but things might’ve improved. It just said “Right 0,6 km” or something like that. I returned the glasses.
My Engo 2 was changed by ActiveLook after it was bricked.
I was us it with my Vertical and the Activelook SuuntoPlus before they crashed. -
Last time I checked, it only said waypoint name and distance to it. There was a firmware update since
And I have not checked naviation because core temp app and active look don’t work together yet. I can check tomorrow when I do some recovery runs on a trail.Edit: no waypoint graphics, it has maximum 8 characters and when watch says Turn Right glasses say Turn Rig, also at the end it does not say end but displays some hex value, battery display on S+ also does not work, but I really like using active look
because they put pace power and hr right where I need it.
Hi, I have no screen at all when my engo2 is connected with my SR. If I connect directly with the activelook android app it works but I want to connect with the SR. Could anyone please help?
What sport mode are you in? Try with basic walk or run. I have no problem with active look, but I use it with ios app to do fw updates on glasses. Make sure you have latest version.
Hi, thanks for your reply. I’ve tried it in the basic modes and it’s not working. I haven’t found a possibility to update the glasses with the android app.
There must be an fw update on the app. You should be able to check your fw version when you connect activelook glasses to their app. Are glasses paired with app? When glasses are paired and turned on they automatically connect to an app and show version v4.12.0b.
If your fw is older it will ask you to update. -
Hi, software is v4.12.0b but still the same issue.
P pavel.samokha moved this topic from Partner Connections on
Do glasses work with ActiveLook app only? (No Suunto plus app)