Suunto Plus apps
@isazi Hm, why not filter the asc/desc segments in decoupling? Wouldn’t it help in getting the app more useful?
@Łukasz-Szmigiel no, decoupling makes sense if the course is the same, always, there is no need to use it if you know that your course is changing continuously. Decoupling can be used to test your aerobic capacity, but tests require discipline and planning.
@isazi so basically that would require a treadmil or a raceway. Even changing ground or wind can skew the results.
@Łukasz-Szmigiel I usually do the tests (aerobic/anaerobic) doing loops in a park, always the same park, so that terrain is similar. Of course I am not the same every day, nor is the weather, but it is a good approximation. Your idea of filtering data would not work because the effect of terrain on your body would still be measured.
Example: your route is flat, then climbs, then descends, than is flat again. If we filter ascent and descent, in the last flat section we will still feel in the body the fatigue of the previous ascent descent, possibly have a higher HR and skewing the results. -
@DMytro I tried, but no luck atm
@isazi if we are talking about decoupling a very basic question: do you need a power meter for cycling, or the app can calculate the power (effort) based on the HR, speed, cadence(?)?
@MdzOtt I think the app is based on pace and only works for running, but never checked.
@isazi Theoretically, it’s also available for cycling (see app description), but it doesn’t work.
@Ilya-Sul did you try with a power meter?
@isazi Yes. It just displays POOR and no percentage. Doesn’t show up in the app afterwards as far as I remember.
@Ilya-Sul I thought it would be interesting for indoor rides, but I never got it to work and kinda forgot about it until now.
@Ilya-Sul I can report that.
@Ilya-Sul Hi, which sport mode did you use?
@NeaLuu Indoor Bike
Have any of you tried the swimrun application? In my two attempts, the watch (S9B) never detected the transition from running to swimming. Only once did the watch register swimming, but I was actually just standing at the traffic lights. Could the problem be that the watch doesn’t recognize breaststroke swimming?
Thanks. -
@paata the swimrun app is solely based on speed change. It is not looking at specific arm movements (at least for now).
@Egika Strange, because the running pace I have is around 5:30-6:00 per kilometer, and swimming is much slower. Maybe the issue lies in the short swimming segment (50 meters), and the watch doesn’t seem to register the change in speed. I’ll try again.
Thank you for the clarification. -
@paata We are in the process of making the swimrun more accurate. It hasn’t had much polishing, since testing results are scarce. Swimrun is using pressure and cadence, but we need to take a closer look at the specific values of different resources to get it to work as well as possible.
@Ilya-Sul Did the watch get power well from the sensor otherwise? Meaning the other screens show power value just fine. Also the decoupling is using speed in cycling too, so the watch needs to receive speed values from somewhere to calculate.
@NeaLuu Yes, power meter has always been connected and the activity records just fine, just without Decoupling.
Speed might be the problem, but why isn’t that mentioned anywhere? It’s pace for running and power for cycling. Speed makes absolutely no sense for cycling.
The problem is on Suunto’s side btw., my Indoor Bike transmit all data to my Garmin and Polar watches just fine. It’s on the Suuntos where I have to choose between Speed and Power POD and I can’t use both, since the watch doesn’t get that it’s a Trainer.