Activelook experience
My Engo 2 was changed by ActiveLook after it was bricked.
I was us it with my Vertical and the Activelook SuuntoPlus before they crashed. -
Last time I checked, it only said waypoint name and distance to it. There was a firmware update since
And I have not checked naviation because core temp app and active look don’t work together yet. I can check tomorrow when I do some recovery runs on a trail.Edit: no waypoint graphics, it has maximum 8 characters and when watch says Turn Right glasses say Turn Rig, also at the end it does not say end but displays some hex value, battery display on S+ also does not work, but I really like using active look
because they put pace power and hr right where I need it.
Hi, I have no screen at all when my engo2 is connected with my SR. If I connect directly with the activelook android app it works but I want to connect with the SR. Could anyone please help?
What sport mode are you in? Try with basic walk or run. I have no problem with active look, but I use it with ios app to do fw updates on glasses. Make sure you have latest version.
Hi, thanks for your reply. I’ve tried it in the basic modes and it’s not working. I haven’t found a possibility to update the glasses with the android app.
There must be an fw update on the app. You should be able to check your fw version when you connect activelook glasses to their app. Are glasses paired with app? When glasses are paired and turned on they automatically connect to an app and show version v4.12.0b.
If your fw is older it will ask you to update. -
Hi, software is v4.12.0b but still the same issue.
P pavel.samokha moved this topic from Partner Connections on
Do glasses work with ActiveLook app only? (No Suunto plus app)
yes. it worked also with my Baro but not with my Race.
My Race works fine with glasses, sometimes I need to reconnect s+ app at beginning but once glasses show “connected” it runs without a problem. Try to erase s+ app and reinstall.
@Calimero yes I tried engo2 but the Race seems not compatible with the engo2. Connection failed although it should connected. What was also disappointing that the info screen is blurry. So overall nice possible gadget with bad realization.
@lexterm77 thx for sharing but didn‘t work in combination of Race and engo2 in my case
engo2 and Race are not compatible. Had to reconnect several times and although it tells me connected and I get the battery status the display of the glass is off. Display information are blurry and couldn’t be adjusted the projector and mirror are clean. Not worth at all.
I’m pretty new to this forum and I’m wondering if this info goes to Suunto as I’ve tried to get in contact with them but with no success.
Would be really nice to have the SR with the Engo 2 working together… -
@mr-quality Just a couple of thoughts. One of the display ‘pages’ is the blank page so have you tried moving to a different ‘page’ to see if data shows? Also, there is really no way the Race would have any impact on how blurry the display is. The data sent from the watch is literally just the values - like from a BT power or HR meter - and it is the glasses that render these values onto the display.
I just used engo2 with race this morning. If you have gesture feature you can switch screens and if you switch to a blank one, it will not show any data.
I’ve tried to change the screen but I have no data visible. With the ActiveLook Android app it is working - so it seems the Suunto Race is the problem. I’ve tried it with the “basic running” - in which sport mode does it work for you?
@far-blue Suunto is definitely not responsible for the blurred display. It would be good if Suunto would also provide a compatibility list for the mentioned glasses in the app. Only two Suunto watches currently seem to support this. Interestingly, it is not currently possible to purchase glasses from two of the providers mentioned. They may be working on follow-up models.
I only tried trail running, running and walking. They work on Race, Vertical and 9Pro. Have titanium version but that should not matter. I think S+ is same sw for all 3 watches. Did you try any another bt devices on s+? Like core temo sensor or absolute sweat, stryd? You may have bt issue. My active look sometimes do not connect first attempt, but it works second attempt.
@lexterm77 thx for the info. No I didn‘t. What settings where activ at your watch? Is your flight mode deactivated?