uncomplete track during activity
This is the oxygen value in the “weather” application, it tells me that 75% at 2300 meters. No problem for the altimeter compared to the city. I deactivated the map, it is of no use on the ski slopes,
I am relatively confused now… -
You can find this info in the description of Weather - Insight SuuntoPlus app:
Oxygen level
“If you are above 2000 m (6 561 ft) you will get a reading on the oxygen % compared to sea level.”Suunto does not show the actual absolute percentage of oxygen in the air! That would be of no use for most people who do not remember the absolute value at sea level. The relative value that Suunto shows tells you how much oxygen is there compared to “normal” sea-level air…
To check the values, you can quickly calculate the relative percentage from any reference altitude to oxygen chart. I used this one: https://hypoxico.com/pages/altitude-to-oxygen-chart
It shows:
~ 20.9% of oxygen in the air at 0 m altitude (this is 100% by definition)
~ 16 % of oxygen in the air at 2134 m altitude (this is 76.6% of sea-level value)
~ 15.4 % of oxygen in the air at 2438 m altitude (this is 73.7% of sea-level value)Therefore I do not see anything wrong about 75% at 2300 m.
@inkognito Thanks a lot !
S sartoric referenced this topic on
Im having the same problem with long treks or skitouring routes… any news on this? Thanks!
Hi! I often observed the same issue while cycling. It wasn’t a problem for me so far but doesn’t seem to be a problem specific to your watch. I also had it this week. So the issue seems to remain.
@soundso Thanks, lets wait then… it was a kind of major issue oince in white out and could not follow my red track back but the lue arrow which does not help cause the direction to the beginning part is something different than follow the route back (crevasses and so on…)
Yes, the issue still persists and has to be solved by an update of firmware.
Suunto knows this, the only thing we can do is keep the fingers crossed and hope that they prioritize the issue as well and provide a solution with the next update.
I have experienced the situation you have described by myself - whiteout on a glacier and you have to find your way back around hidden crevasses with no traces left. In such a situation a track back / non-disappearing breadcrumb track is really, really useful and may be the extra margin of safety you need there.
This is really annoying, it completely deleted the beginning of my route, the red part is missing from where I started… Ive put a yellow strip to let you see. It is literally ridicolus that you dont know where you started your route from… the blue is the tarck I was following but of course the beginning i did not follow the blue trackj but my own and on the way back I could not follow it back
Okay, I don’t have any official answer, but a person testing the next software release for the Race told me he did a 8 hours mountain run few weeks ago and didn’t have the issue.
I’ll post again if I get an official comment.
I can second this observation. didn’t notice this issue this morning on my 4h run.
however I don’t know exactly when this issue happened in the past (or after what time or distance) -
I don’t have the exact answer but I did several tests and I noticed that the problem only appears when there is a difference in height. A 10 hour recording to and from work (then with very little elevation gain) posed no problem whereas I observed the problem after 3 hours of ski touring and 1600m of D+.
ok… I’ll keep this in mind for testing next time. -
I had the issue on every of my skimo / mountaineering trips so far. Breadcrumb line was always incomplete, only the first section was / is there. At some point, the red track has always ended when I tried to follow it back.
This is quite annoying for some purposes and in certain situations is a real disadvantage (not to mention any safety concerns here).
So it would be super cool if the issue is fixed with the next update.
Keep the fingers crossed for that, I am really waiting for this. Suunto knows this issue right from the beginning, I guess, and vertical is now more than one year old.
I mean the possibility to track back the route you have been taking so far (not the track you have uploaded maybe in advance!) is absolutely basic for any gps tool - not to speak of a watch which is designed as an ‚adventure watch for outdoor expeditions‘ that should be ,a companion for the highest peaks‘ (I am just quoting Suunto here).
I think this issue should be fixed in the latest FW, but I can’t say that with 100% confidence, so someone need to test on really long activity
@pavel-samokha said in uncomplete track during activity:
I think this issue should be fixed in the latest FW, but I can’t say that with 100% confidence, so someone need to test on really long activity
So far it has worked for me, I will find out the weekend after this one. I think a 40h or more run should sufficiently test this.
@pavel-samokha said in uncomplete track during activity:
I think this issue should be fixed in the latest FW, but I can’t say that with 100% confidence, so someone need to test on really long activity
I am super happy to hear that, thanks a lot
I will keep an eye on that and will report here (some activities of 10+ hrs are on schedule during the next weeks…).
@pavel-samokha super! does anyone of you know why my vertical still does not get this update? im in italy… thanks!
@giuliosq recent FW should be available for everyone, check your FW version in watch settings and in Suunto App
@pavel-samokha Solved the problem, the update got stuck at 5MB and could not go farward. Solved the problem! Do you know if that uncomplete track issue has been fixed? havent had the chance to test it, might go for this weekend