Suunto race s: Navigating during excersise : goto map
Imo it would be handy that while doing an exercise and navigating a route and a navigation action has to be done (turn by turn), the watch automatically switches to the map display until the corner is taken and then automaticall returns to the screen previously active.
Br Sebastiaan
I isazi moved this topic from Feature Suggestions on
@Sebastiaan-van-leeuwen Some, including me do not want this. Redrawing the map for every turn will affect battery life. I would rather just have the notification and look at the map only when I need to
something like this ?
back from a 2017 idea. Now watches have maps@Mff73 said in Too many waypoints kill the map:
Then, on the watch, instead of a small icon, a little screenshot of the exact shape of the crossroads :
something painted like on this screen, or maybe another one during navigation.
@Brad_Olwin I’d like the option to toggle this behaviour on or off… but I’d like other things first, like the navigation notification bug fix.
@Sebastiaan-van-leeuwen I’d really like this feature. Sure some people won’t, but having it as an option would be super useful. Currently I’m essentially only using the map screen on new routes, making the rest redundant as I can’t be switching all the time.