Suunto 9 Peak Pro?
@Łukasz-Szmigiel said in Suunto 9 Peak Pro?:
@MKPotts sounds awesome. Did you notice some parts of path missing gps for like 15 - 30 seconds at random?
No, not that I noticed. Most of the route was in open country but there were some stretches, of a few km each, passing through dense forest and signal/track looked fine.
These are the two tracks if you want to have a look yourself (I didn’t check every bit!): -
@Łukasz-Szmigiel I’ll check today on test firmware and let you know.
Is there a way to avoid the watch marking a lap when I accidentally press the down button? I don’t always lock my watch during an activity and I hate how clumsy and inconvenient the lock/unlock is implemented.
@skifun said in Suunto 9 Peak Pro?:
Is there a way to avoid the watch marking a lap when I accidentally press the down button? I don’t always lock my watch during an activity and I hate how clumsy and inconvenient the lock/unlock is implemented.
I am used to this but if you simply hold the button down it will not mark a lap. I find this annoying as well. I like to mark Ski Touring Transitions but typically lock the watch as it is on the outside of a jacket and buttons can get pressed accidentally.
@Brad_Olwin Yes, in Fenix during ski touring this is how you manually switch between ascending and descending modes. And I hate it. I expect the watch to switch modes automatically. In the last stable update they implemented an automatic mode but still not good. So, every time I ski tour as soon as I press the start button I rush to long hold press the down button to lock to avoid changing from ascending to descending. And now on Suunto I have to do this on every activity if I want to avoid marking laps. What I like in my 9pp is that I can manually scroll the screens with pushing the middle button, even when the watch is locked. In Fenix you can set up automatic scrolling of the screens which is not good for me.
BTW, when you strap the watch outside of the jacket, which wrist band do you use? The nylon one from the link you posted the other day?
@skifun I use the silicone straps for skiing and use the extended for outside my jacket. With the 9P and the 9PP I do not have to lock the buttons as they rarely get accidentally pushed. I typically wear the watch on my sleeve above where my gloves end so the watch is on my forearm. If the watch was closer to my wrist then I might get inadvertent button presses.
I do not like wearing velcro while skiing, it is too easy to lost the watch. -
Yesterday, when I pushed the middle button to start a strength activity I got a long beep. Never happened before. Is this expected behavior?
@skifun yes, it happens now and again. I think it’s because of piezoelectric buzzer.
my wifes pro did that, too, couple of weeks ago… nothing bad happened since.
also happened to my S9B couple of times. also wrong sound pattern. never happened again.
I wouldn’t worry too much -
@freeheeler @DMytro Thanks for your replies. I guess I didn’t worry as much as I’m annoyed by the lag when pushing the buttons to start an activity. So, impatiently waiting for the next update.
@skifun welcome to the club, waiting for updates is my hobby.
@DMytro said in Suunto 9 Peak Pro?:
@skifun welcome to the club, waiting for updates is my hobby.
I wish Suunto would publish the change log of the upcoming update as Garmin does. I like that you know what to expect: -
@skifun Suunto does not provide public beta builds. The change log is published when the update is released.
Only provide Beta of SA
@Brad_Olwin That’s why I wrote wish they did.
@skifun said in Suunto 9 Peak Pro?:
@Brad_Olwin That’s why I wrote wish they did.
There are a large number of reasons why they do not. I can give you more information if you want. PM me.
@Brad_Olwin Thank you but I’m not that interested.