Suunto 9 Peak Pro?
Sleep tracking set from 22:00-08:00. Very interesting how different the experience is. Wonder what the cause is.
@el2thek Interesting indeed. Not sure what is the issue here. Hopefully it is not the case with S9PP.
@altcmd Hi. New S9PP here. I have it set for 10:30pm sleep and 7am wake. Last night shows fell asleep 10:46, and woke up 7:20, which is very accurate.!
@mikekoski490 do you also have HR gaps during the night? think it was said before it’s a known issue being iron out at firmware side.
In my case, HR reading gaps during the night are huge.
@herlas wonder if its the sensor moving away from wrist because of sleep position etc or loose band
@altcmd for me, most days Suunto and Oura are in perfect accord about how much I sleep, and my HR at night.
@herlas yes they are being investigated, and there is going to be a new S9PP software release in, I guess, late 2022 or early 2023.
@herlas Hi. I just looked and yes, last night there were 2 gaps in HR readings, but the night before none. I’m sure Suunto will fix it if it’s a known issue?
@herlas Wow. Those are large gaps. Screenshots from SA below. The first one is 24-hour HR history from yesterday, and the second a snapshot of the gaps last night. For yesterday the early morning gap was watch was off my wrist and on the charger. Not sure what caused the rest of the gaps though.
@mikekoski490 Thx, yeah my gaps are gigantic, the reading while sleeping is the issue for me, rest of the day looks fine, here’s yesterday’s HR, spike is for a run in the evening
@pilleus Well, west coast of Canada in November and… there ya go. Storm Alert is definitely working.
Will need more nights of testing, but the gaps in HR may already be fixed in beta firmware.
Surely if you are testing battery life to battery life you should at least make the comparision fair and should be using All System GNSS rather than the Multi-Band as multi-band almost halves its tracking battery life. I suspect if you were running it using All then the results would be a lot closer in terms of battery life. -
@Jamie-BG That’s why I wrote that the S9PP used 14% less battery when used the same way with all systems. I only did the last unit with multi gps. But even then the difference shouldn’t be that big because Garmin states a running time with multi gps of 36/41 hours. Exactly what Suunto states for all systems.
I ordered one last week, still no update argh! I’m like a kid in a sweet shop waiting for it to come.
Based on the videos and conversation in here, it really does sound like an awesome device. Sorting out the readability in the UI is a massive win, well done Suunto! -
@el2thek said in Suunto 9 Peak Pro?:
@altcmd For me it’s the opposite, my 9B is almost always spot on.
Same, have never had any gaps with my S9B. I’ve started wearing mine to bed again mainly so I can track my HR through the night, that along with sleep/wake time and everything else generally seem to be fairly accurate
Look forward to comparing it to the S9PP when it finally becomes available in NZ in 2032
same here… no gaps at all.2032 you’ll go running with your S11 super summit expert with holographic screen
@freeheeler said in Suunto 9 Peak Pro?:
same here… no gaps at all.2032 you’ll go running with your S11 super summit expert with holographic screen
In 2032 I might be a hologram myself
@freeheeler in 2032 the watch runs instead of you