The bug with the HR graph is still present in the latest firmware. Interestingly enough, the first first time when I used the watch after the update, it worked correctly, but then the bug resumed.
Furthermore, there is another bug that I’ve noticed. When a next turn notification pops up when I am right at the previous turn, if I dismiss that notification manually, it pops up again right away. Yesterday, I ended up dismissing the same turn notification 4 times in a row until I moved enough for it to stop popping up. That is a minor issue, but an issue nevertheless.
Furthermore, there is one more annoying issue:
If go on the same path more then once, then the light blue direction arrows end up being rendered behind the red breadcrumbs track, which makes it very difficult to see. In this particular case the path that I needed to take was obvious, but I experienced other cases when I come from one path on the way out and need to take another path on the way back. In the latter case it becomes difficult to distinguish between the dark blue route and the light blue direction array when they both are rendered behind the red breadcrumbs track.
It would be better to change the Z-order so that the light blue arrows are always on top of everything. In other words the order should be the following: the dark blue route on the back, the red track is above the route, and the the light blue arrows are on top of everything.
Finally there is one more issue, that is perhaps not a bug, but something that I initially thought was a bug. I was wearing a long sleeve jacket that covered the watch. On 3 different occasions when I looked at the map, it appeared off-center and not oriented correctly, which made me wonder what was going on. Finally I realized that perhaps the wet sleeve was touching the watch and made it pan the map. What would be the best way to avoid it. Should I change the touch mode so that it only wakes up the display and not the watch? In that case, how can I pan the map? Should I press some button first?