Difference between Running Performance Index and est. VO2
@zhang965 yes i like mushrooms for example chanterelles. but what has it to do with the question?
that are 2 completely different values. thats why i asked.
i think the value on the watch is the running performance index. so i will look at that value. that fits nearly my values which i got with the garmin watch before.
Thank you! -
just please ignore my asshole question,
Garmin’s watch does use the Firstbeat algorithm so it’s normal to be the same,
The one in movescount, I don’t know the algorithm, for me it’s always smaller the performance level and my lab test index
@zhang965 i have no problem with it. funny question / funny answer.
yes i know that garmin too use the same first beat algorithms. i am used to that an i like it. (don’t care about if the number is correct, but the trend for training)
yes mine too. thanks for your help. i think i ignore the estimated VO2. -
you should have a try the runalyze’s Vo2 max estimation
@zhang965 i read that many times. but i like the simplicity of just a value and not have too many services in the background. also i like to see the 30day trend directly on the watch of the running performance index. (ambit3)
luck you,
Goddamned Suunto 9 has no performance level
@zhang965 i went for the ambit3 because its the only watch from suunto which was a barometer and performance index.
may i ask you another another question? maybe you know that. on the sports mode running, i can set heart rate limits. so i set my lactate threshold as upper limit and thought i would get an alarm when reaching it. but it only shows me an arrow down next to the heart rate. is it possible to set such an alarm for running?
if not i think i can create a workout with upper heart rate limit 171 bpm. would that create an alarm? (have not tried it yet) -
I don’t remember anymore the details, but I do remember if I ran too quick, it will beep beep, so I deactivated all alarm -
check if your alert tones are ON
@zhang965 thx i’ll try that again.
@zhang965 yes i did. auto lap beeps. i just deactivated the button tones. that drives me nuts.
i’ll try with the workout. i saw a video on youtube and there was a beep.
thx! -
I don’t care about HR while running
@zhang965 i do on longer uphills. (i suffer too much and get tired quickly) haven’t got the right feeling yet.
I’m attacking 10KM for 40mins, but too hard
Just in case anyone is asking the same here is the answer:
if you set a limit in the activity or in a workout on the ambit3 and you exceed that limit for more then around 1 minute then an alert is coming. before it only shows you an visual arrow back to the hr zone. -
I think that V02max is from first beat. Check their page I think A3 is listed for that
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos hi! thank you but nope, the running performance index on the ambit3 is the one wich calculates the VO2max with firstbeat algorithms . the estimated VO2 must be from suunto.
@mario_b I can be wrong. But afai https://www.firstbeat.com/en/consumer-product/suunto/ambit3/
There is VO2max as far as I can remember that is FirstBeat. I am not sure a bout the est. Vo2. PErhaps someone else can help
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos yes kind of right.
the running performance is licensed from firstbeat which is calculation the VO2max.
suunto does not call it VO2max because they say its not the Vo2max in your blood alone but also how effective your running style is.
for example: all my uploaded old garmin activities gets an VO2 indication but not the running performance index. estimated VO2 must be an suunto propriety value of speed and heart rate. -
@mario_b I believe you
Here is the funny thing that confuses me.
Spartan has est VO2 -> Ok Suunto thingy
S5 (that is firstbeat) has also a thing called est VO2max.Do you think that the difference is on est VO2max vs estVO2 ?
To be honest now I am more confused.