Suunto Vertical: Bug Collection
Not sure if this is a bug. Went for a hike for nearly 2 hours. The activity log says I burned >900 kcal but the activity widget, despite counting the steps has the kcal wrong - itâs showing a number under 900. Not sure how this is possible where one metric counts the activity and the other either doesnât or does a calculation different to the activity, which also makes no sense.
Another bug that continues to plague is the sleep. I agree with DCR on why in todays world we still need to input a sleep window, but hey-ho. I have my sleep window set to 10pm to 7am. I had set the watch on the shelf around 20:30 and picked up again around 22:00. I had plenty of button presses as I set the alarm. However when I woke up the next morning, the watch measured sleep from 20:30. Not sure how that is possible when it isnât even able to measure HR. Seems rather odd but I know this feature has been an issue for me for years.
My Vertical has been struggling lately to detect the start of sleep. I have sleep tracking window set from 9.00 to 7.00. I usually go to bed between 10 and 11 and have alarm set up at 6.00. I had RHR set up as 7 day avg. min. HR + 10 beats as some suggested as a rule of thumb in the forum. Today, I changed RHR to 7 day avg. min. HR (I think it is according to SV instructions) and I will see if it makes any difference. Is there anything else I could do about sleep tracking or it depends on the person characteristics? Are there any improvements planned on sleep tracking? I remember my S5 and S9P tracked sleep duration quite well. Thank you all for any tips.
Please, if you have bugs now that the hotfix is released, create a separate post. This topic has 516 (and counting) posts already, and it is impossible to follow.
R runomatic referenced this topic on
Major Bug
When training in the map view, the watch completely crashes. Then there is an automatic restart. Crashed twice in the last 4 days supported (4 training sessions)!!!
Please fix the problem quickly -
@steiner how is your sportmode configured? I use the map a lot and never had a crash. Also enabled any S+ app or guides?
@steiner Next crash send logs to Suunto and record date and time logs sent. Then PM me with the above information and your Suunto app username. I will file a bug report.
Here are the 3 fit files. Du you need something else?
95% i do not use the maps.19.06
05.07 -
@steiner What we need are log files sent as soon as possible after a crash. Then PM me or @isazi or @freeheeler with your username for the Suunto app and the date and time that logs were sent to Suunto. The files may or may not help the developers.
đ§ bug??
img-2607.mp4 -
@valdis830 said in Suunto Vertical: Bug Collection:
đ§ bug??
img-2607.mp4Weâll call it a not-so-subtle-friendly-reminder
Buondi, a distanza di un mese e mezzo dallâutilizzo del mio Sv ho riscontrato un problema, e non saprei esattamente se è un problema software oppure dellâhardware.
In pratica una volta avviata lâattivitĂ sportiva (ciclismo, Skyalp o corsa) ed inserisco un S+ ad esempio climb, dopo un po lâorologio interrompe lâattivitĂ sportiva e ritorna in modalitĂ orologio.
Chiedo a qualcuno di Voi di poter effettuare questa prova e spero che lo staff Suunto possa evidenziare questo problema e risolverlo.
saluti Ivan -
@Ivan-De-Rasis said in Suunto Vertical: Bug Collection:
Buondi, a distanza di un mese e mezzo dallâutilizzo del mio Sv ho riscontrato un problema, e non saprei esattamente se è un problema software oppure dellâhardware.
In pratica una volta avviata lâattivitĂ sportiva (ciclismo, Skyalp o corsa) ed inserisco un S+ ad esempio climb, dopo un po lâorologio interrompe lâattivitĂ sportiva e ritorna in modalitĂ orologio.
Chiedo a qualcuno di Voi di poter effettuare questa prova e spero che lo staff Suunto possa evidenziare questo problema e risolverlo.
saluti IvanReally really sad to hear that.
@Ivan-De-Rasis lâorologio funziona normalmente se scegli la S+ app prima di cominciare?
@isazi Si funziona in modo impeccabile, grazie
@Ivan-De-Rasis e se invece attivi una app durante lâattivitĂ lâorologio si riavvia da solo?
@Ivan-De-Rasis no, se in fase della scelta modalitĂ sport attivo un S+ e poi premo start, lâorologio funziona bene
hm - sorry - donât understand - what is this about?
@Egika se durante lo svolgimento di un attivitĂ sportiva, ho intenzione di aggiungere un S+ ( che sia climb o weather o qualunque altra S+) lâorologio dopo qualche minuto si resetta e ritorna automaticamente in modalitĂ orologio. Spero di essermi espresso bene.
@Egika said in Suunto Vertical: Bug Collection:
hm - sorry - donât understand - what is this about?
He said, if he add the s app during an activity, then it will break the activity.
But it works if he added it before starting activity, itâs ok.