@Tieutieu Just one several months ago. Vertical just stopped my workout and noticed I was suddenly on the main screen. I just restarted the trail run. I had the no map problem but on restart and reconnect with SA maps were back.
@deserthike20 worked for my suunto 9 G1 old watch but bought new a year ago. Tones and vibration were on, power saving off. The 12 sec soft reset did the trick for me.
One suggestion I have for button orientation during a workout would be to use the top and bottom buttons for navigating pages up and down. Right now the middle button is being used and one has to cycle through all workout pages which seems rather inefficient. This way, the middle button can then be a lap button and a long-press of the middle button can then pause or stop the workout. Kinda similar to Polar but ofcourse Polar has a 5-button layout in most of their products.
@Brad_Olwin it is fairly easy, but nevertheless it is one of those things that you want at your fingertips especially when you want to be certain you activated an alarm and when…
@Swaddy61 In theory structured workouts would mostly do what you are after but as discussed in other topics unfortunately they only currently display when you are out of zone rather than alerting. You are certainly not the only one after such functionality so we wait with hope 🙂
@Will-Perkins I can relate. On S9B I’ve had “stressed” displayed quite often, not on Vertical - I think I saw it once. I am stressed a lot, because of my job mostly 🙂
I have used it on various optics that have gotten misted by oil and this strips it away. Using a cleaner like this ahead of the other gave me the absolute best results.
@kurtpenter that sign means … no HR-sensor found (meaning the sensor is either (still) deactivated, not nearby … or no sensor has been paired) and the OHR of the watch is used.
By the way: the use of the symbol is identical for more or less the last generations of Suuntos, including Suunto 5, 9 and Vertical
@Patrick-Löffler-0 me too. I like the classic way of fastening. For some reason the bands on the Vertical are the ‘worst’ for me. The Race is better but the Ocean is the best 🙂
ETA is calculated by your current speed. Assuming that you maintain that speed until the end of the route. It does not take the route ahead into the calculation because of the many unpredictable factors.