There have been loads of good suggestions for improving structured workouts in this forum including:
giving the next stage info and a 5 second countdown rather than changing step without warning
giving feedback when you are outside of a step target such as hr or pace (like you get with normal targets)
the option to see the details of a workout before selecting it
the option to see the next step before it activates
This suggestion is another really good one and I hope the developers are seeing this feedback.
All credit to them though, Suunto’s implementation for structured workouts is actually very good internally. Having read the info on what you can do with structured workouts they are really flexible. You can control the data fields shown per-step (including the ordering), you can conditionally skip steps or repeat steps and you can trigger the progress to the next step based on a number of criteria. It would be great if more of this was exposed in the workout builder and used by third-parties - and the option to start with a third-party workout and then modify it would be very cool.
One thing that might help specifically with knowing which interval you are on could be to add the lap count field to one of the other data screens. I know it will count the recovery steps as well but at least it will give you some indication.